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Working to create healthier cities.

We're tired of the boring, dull, lifeless America. Are you?

Security & Social Nets

Flexibility & Opportunity

Better Markets

What is the BIGGEST issue facing Americans?

Housing! Over 500,000 people experience homelessness on any given night, a damning testament to our housing crisis. The median home price has skyrocketed to $346,800, a 63% increase in just two decades, pushing the American dream out of reach for many. Urban sprawl, a byproduct of this crisis, contributes to 20% of U.S. carbon emissions. The housing crisis isn't just a problem, it's a ticking time bomb, threatening to exacerbate income inequality, environmental degradation, and public health issues.

Take a look at the problem.

Credit: Institute for Humane Studies


How do we solve it?

It's simple: build more houses! The solution to combat the restrictive zoning laws that encompass our day-to-day lives is to create more lax regulations. The benefits of doing so are more than one.

Empowering Choices

Let's be real, the typical American suburb doesn't exactly have too much variety in your run-of-the-mill open house weekend. With more housing comes more options, meaning greater freedom!

Act On Data

Housing costs rise with less availability. High housing costs increase homelessness, drive inequality, and damage the economy. Virtually all of the evidence on the topic agrees with our stance. Will you?

Defeat the Obesity Epidemic

Zoning laws separate the residential area from the commercial districts in most cities, making it impossible to get anywhere without a car. Car dependency, in turn, causes obesity from a lack of exercise.

Increase Housing Affordability

Reducing regulation will cause more housing, decreasing the cost of housing nationally - it’s simple supply and demand. We have a housing shortage right now. Together, we can fix it.

Access our Online Community

Join our vibrant community dedicated to reforming zoning laws. Engage in enlightening discussions, share your experiences, and learn from experts. Our community is a platform for change, where every voice matters. Your involvement can make a real difference. Connect with us today, and let's build better cities, one zoning law at a time

Advocacy Resources

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We're not alone.

As much as we'd like it to be, this is not a revolutionary position. Take a look at some of these amazing resources to fully understand the zoning reform position. 

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Here are the facts.

See if you can sprinkle these into your day-to-day water cooler conversations. We take no responsibility for any boredom inflicted along the way.

“Nearly half of renters in the US were cost-burdened in 2020, spending more than 30% of their income on housing. The current supply of housing is unable to meet the demand.”

Kerry Donahue,
Harvard College

"Easing zoning restrictions boosts housing supply and affordability. Conversely, stricter land-use reforms raise median rents, reducing affordable units for middle-income renters."

Christine Stacy, Urban Studies

“Providing temporary financial assistance (averaging nearly $2,000) to those at imminent risk of homelessness significantly reduces homelessness. The benefits of this intervention exceed the costs.”

David Phillips,
MIT Press Direct

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As corny as it may sound, we can only make change happen together.

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